
Know(ing) Yourself

“Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.” –  Dr Seuss I’ve never been good at defining myself, that’s one task I’ve been struggling with all my life. Hell, I’m even always eager to ask fortune-teller to tell me more about myself. That’s how bad/curious I am about myself. Simply said, I… Lanjutkan membaca Know(ing) Yourself

Tak Berkategori


So I’m planning to step a notch regarding blogging, that’s why I decided to buy my own domain, so…this site is moving to!


A Mine of Brilliant Mind

 Siapa yang ga punya otak? Mungkin di kehidupan sehari-hari banyak terdengar umpatan “Ga punya otak lo!”, namun nyatanya semua orang pasti punya organ berkapasitas 1100-1300 cm3  tersebut. Di organ inilah, semua kreatifitas, ide, dan pemikiran kita berawal. Bagi seorang manusia (atau kebanyakan), bisa dikatakan kalau otak adalah harta karun mereka. Sayang, dari banyaknya pemikiran yang… Lanjutkan membaca A Mine of Brilliant Mind


Catching Up 22 Years of Time

“Make peace with your past so it wont disturb your present.” –  “So called’ 7 Cardinals Rules for Life They say there’re 3 things that influence you the most, the society around you, your friends, and your family. I’d have to say, the last one has the most influence throughout my life, not because I… Lanjutkan membaca Catching Up 22 Years of Time